Charging electric car with solar panels, how does it work?

You can charge your electric car via a charging station; the electricity will simply come from the grid. But it is also possible to charge your electric car with green electricity from solar panels. The solar power is then distributed between your home and your charging station. How exactly does this work? And how many solar panels do you need for this?

How many solar panels do I need to charge a car?

This depends on the consumption of your car and the output of your solar panels, but we can give an estimate. If you drive 15,000 km on an annual basis, you will need around 2,445 kWh. According to the Consumers' Association, new solar panels each produce around 300 kWh of electricity per year. An average electric car then needs 8 to 10 solar panels to run on solar power. Keep in mind that solar panels produce the most energy on sunny days, so not all year round.

When is the best time to charge my car?

It is best to charge a car when the sun is shining. This is when solar panels provide the most energy. But solar panels still generate power even in cloudy weather. 

Are you planning to charge your car overnight and want to use your own generated electricity to do so? Then a home battery be a solution. Many people see the home battery as a better option now that the balancing scheme stops. After all, soon you will no longer receive compensation for the power you feed back to the grid. With a home battery, you can store excess solar power and use it yourself.

Charging station for solar panels and electric car

When charging your electric car with solar panels, it is important that your charging station can switch between grid and solar power. A smart charging station checks whether solar power is available and uses it to charge your car. After all, charging with solar power during the day is the cheapest option. 

Some electric cars can also act as a home battery as they can store power. This does require a bi-directional charging station. These charging posts can send power both to and from your electric car. Although few charging stations currently support this, this could become an interesting option in the future.

What can you do if you don't have solar panels yet?

We provide individuals and companies with customised solutions for charging electric cars. You can think of solar panels on roofs, but also, for example, on a carport or canopy. Together, we make the world a little more beautiful and contribute to a sustainable future. Interested? Ask about the possibilities!

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